Your Restaurant Can Completely Open…Now What?

Texas’s governor, Greg Abbott recently gave all restaurants in the state permission to open up 100 percent! While this news is exciting and wonderful for the foodservice industry, we are still in the midst of beating the pandemic.
This means that some restaurants will open up 100 percent, but with some added precautions that keep their patrons safe. If you are a restaurant manager that wants to ensure that your place has a reputation for proper food handling and customer safety, here are some tips to consider as you experience the first few months of total reopening.
Discuss Updated Safety Policies with Employees
If it’s been a while since your restaurant has been 100 percent open, the chances are that your whole team hasn’t been present 100 percent of the time. Whether you are welcoming back old employees or hiring new ones for a new era of service, be prepared to train everyone on your updated safety policies. Are you requiring masks in your restaurant? Will your servers have to wear gloves? What’s your new seating policy? All of these points and more will help your staff stay updated on your safety standards and keep your restaurant’s reputation high in the community.
Implement QR Code Menus
Your patrons may be ready to get back to eating out but no one wants to be unnecessarily exposed to germs.
Many restaurants and deli shops have transferred their physical menus into a digital format that cell phones can read via QR code. This practice creates a low contact ordering experience that prevents having to continually sanitize plastic menus or waste countless disposable menus.
Update Your Business’ Sick Policy
Now is the time to get as strict as ever with your employee sick policy. Where you may have let a cold sniff by undetected, you must hold all employees accountable for their health.
Create a flexible sick day policy that allows for employees to feel comfortable about calling in during a shift when they feel even a little sick. Germs spread fast, and you don’t want to risk a minor sickness impacting a vulnerable guest.
Set Up Plexiglass Dividers
Many restaurants have implemented plexiglass dividers that separate guests between booths. This is an excellent way to not only keep guests socially distanced but to take advantage of maximizing your seating space while doing so.
Clear Out Dishes Later in the Meal
In order to limit contact with your guests, you’ll want to minimize the number of visits your employees have to make to their tables. One of the easiest ways to cut down on visits without sacrificing hospitality is to make one large clear out trip at the very end of the meal. By then, your guests are ready to leave, and you won’t be cutting into their personal time or enforcing any unnecessary contact.
Update Your Food Safety Techniques with the Help of Certified On The Fly
If you and your team need a brush up on Texas food safety standards, there’s never been a better time than now to renew or apply for your food handler’s certification.
At Certified On The Fly, we make getting your certificate simple, affordable, and above all, around your schedule. Our course is entirely online and allows you to work through it at your own pace. We won’t miss a safety tip, and you won’t miss your next shift!
Register online today!
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